Part 130: Low-Level Run - Chapter 12

Last time I won the battle arena then decided it wasn't worth it. What an almighty waste of time!
This won't be.

Ugh no we don't have time if we're going to go by the roller coaster later Aerated we're not going to be at Disney World forever.

Okay fine sheesh just let me dig through all my crossdressing supplies that will never be used again to get the one key item that's relevant.

Also the game assumes you get both optional characters ASAP. I doubt I'll get Vincent.
That is unless you guys really, really, REALLY want his mopey ass in the team, kicking the average level up. I guess if you want to see what I name him. Maybe Villains. And this LLG can be solved without any villains.

I may use this at some point to get sources or high-money items from battles which involve more than one enemy. Besides, more options cannot hurt ever.

I do get Aerated's ultimate weapon.

Its slight boost to Vitality and 7 Materia slots are useful, useful, useful. It DOES have a damage boosting effect if the other allies are KOed, but Aerated won't crack 80 attack and there is no way in hell I'm going to outdamage Right Arms like that.
Notice how many of those are purple? I didn't buy those HP Pluses for nothing.

Also this will be useful somewhere, someday.

I tried to screencap Cloud's freakout here. There's a very lightly colored model overlapping with his regular one.
FF7: uses models clipping into each other effectively.

Also this loser lizard is open to paralyze and mostly attacks with a fire attack Aerated nullifies.

Right Arms cut through that 8000 HP like a hot knife through butter.

The Fire Veils I bout at Wutai are great for elemental suicide.

He's the easy boss before Demon Wall.

Aerated hits level 17 and against all odds I

Elemental+Shiva, Restore, the rest are HP Plus. Demon Wall is a bastard.


Oh shit. It's this guy. The second hardest boss in (LL)game.

Well first off he's really fast and hits really hard. Cave In is ice-elemental and weakened by Barrier but hits the whole party.

That 10,000 HP will take a while to get through, which is a problem when he hits like a truck.
The problem here is that he's endurable with high offense, the most deadly combination. I risk either running out of steam and dying, or getting pushed back eternally, until I run out of healing items and get murdered.

Also he can crit. Fucker. After the 4th loss I put Sadness on Aerated just to reduce the damage he does what ever little bit more I can.

Victory finally came when CLOUD got the added effect+time on his sword to stick Slow on the bastard. Even if he still hits really hard, I have the time to actually damage him between heals.

It takes 8 Right Arms, but, hey, Between his slow and Aerated's sadness I can win now!

And that's the 2nd hardest part of the LLG done!
I am not looking forward to number one.

Aerated hits level 19, with a next EXP of who cares.

Sorry but there are no cops here, what with the Cetra having been dead for over 2000 years thus having no society to protect from crime.

"You'd have to be, like, over level 40 or something."

She gives back her accessory and materia, but keeps the weapon and more importantly, armor. I kept her with a Diamond Armlet instead of something better so I could keep that something better, another layer of difficulty with Demon Wall.

Incidentally, since the Turks battle prevented it earlier, this is my first trip to Gongaga. I buy Mistify and a Fury Ring. You never know when you'll want to put the game on auto-pilot.

Without Aerated to absorb EXP, Clispaeth will be the new pal for a bit. Taft is effectively mandatory on account of needing her dead in the party to avoid EXP.

Welp that's the next boss beaten.

I give CLOUD all three enemy skills and fill the rest of his materia slots with HP Plus.

I suppose you understand now why Aerated was designated level-getter. All of her EXP vanishes with her death. Because of this she's the designated survivor for most of disc 1's bosses, from Aps to Demon Wall.
I've now reduced the tragedy of Aerated's death to a mechanical spectacle. I think I have issues.

Oh yeah this thing. CLOUD's immune to water and can chop off all her HP with regular physicals with no issue.

Well there's the issue of his attack being pitifully low.

I use a few Right Arms to get her to use Aqualung before running out of MP. Blue Light does cost a few.

There we go. All three of CLOUD's Enemy Skill materia pick up the spell.

Imagine this for like 10 more minutes. She has Reflect up but it doesn't really matter. She's weak to Earth but giving CLOUD's sword an earth elemental attack would mean two less HP Plus getting AP.

Eventually she explodes. Aerated's theme becomes meaningless background sound after so long.

You know, the hilarious thing about Aerated dying and taking so much EXP is that boss EXP is now on a giant upswing. After just two bosses CLOUD will be higher level than Aerated ever was.

Also typo. I don't think it's that often that FF7 just blatantly misspells something.

Anyway that's the end of disc 1. I think the average level is sitting at about 15, and with Aerated's death no one is higher than 17. Now begins the superfun part, juggling 3rd members to keep the average in check!
Goddammit I miss Aerated.